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The Education Process 


Hormones affect how your body functions from head to toe. Imbalances in reproductive hormones–observed through charting the female cycle– are clues that may reveal whole body issues. 


TrueFem educators assist women in understanding their unique reproductive hormone patterns. Our certified, registered nurses teach cycle tracking using FEMM, a fertility awareness-based method. TrueFem clients learn how to track their unique cycle, the hormones involved, and why ovulation is a sign of health. All TrueFem clients gain a greater awareness of their body functioning. When necessary, TrueFem refers to medical providers trained in Restorative Reproductive Medicine (RRM)

TrueFem educators are registered nurses with a passion for connecting women to providers who can transform and restore reproductive health.

We can help you advocate confidently for your own medical care.

How to Get Started


Book a Free Consult

If you are experiencing painful periods, irregular cycles, chronic fatigue, acne, infertility, inability to lose weight, unwanted hair growth, or other unwanted symptoms, your body may be trying to tell you something.

Imbalances in one body system impact the rest. Your body is an integrated whole.

TrueFem educators are certified and registered nurses that teach fertility awareness-based methods.

Learn how we can help you elevate your health by booking a free, 15-minute phone consultation. 


Decide Your Program and Delivery Method

Advocacy is an important piece of your medical care.

Whether you are experiencing health issues or infertility, desire natural alternatives to birth control, or simply want to understand your health better, there is a custom program option for every woman.


TrueFem programs are offered
live online (virtual) for a tailored learning experience with treatment guidance. 


On-demand programs are available for women ages 15+ interested in improving overall health. Optional follow-ups and custom sessions are booked separately.


Purchase Your Program and Get Started!

Women who choose TrueFem receive customized support from registered nurses.

A nurse will educate you about your reproductive health and hormones, providing guidance & referral to a provider if indicated (for follow-up care which may include labs, imaging, and more). 

Live, online education sessions, weekly chart reviews, and email + text support are benefits of choosing live program options. 


No matter where you are in your health journey, there is a program for you! Purchase a program and you will receive email instructions to get started.

Restorative Reproductive Medicine (RRM) is the best kept secret in women's healthcare today. 

Restorative Reproductive Medicine is a scientific approach to women's health that seeks to cooperate with and restore the normal physiology and anatomy of the human reproductive system. It does not use methods that suppress or cause harm to the natural functioning of the female reproductive system. 


RRM trained doctors and practitioners collaborate with women in their medical care by utilizing a woman's cycle chart as part of the diagnostic process. Women who learn how to chart their fertility through our TrueFem programs are referred to physicians across the globe that can use the chart as a diagnostic tool to guide diagnosis and treatment of root-cause issues affecting health including PCOS, endometriosis, metabolic dysfunction, thyroid disorders, and more! 


Registered Nurse Educators

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Sarah Rolfing, RN | BSN, BA

FEMM Educator

Sarah Rolfing is a Montana-based reproductive health educator trained in the FEMM method of fertility education. As both a registered nurse and business professional, Sarah combines medical expertise and creativity to promote holistic, reproductive health education.

Sarah’s areas of expertise include: charting for hormone health, infertility, teen education, and charting for evaluation of gynecological disorders. As a registered nurse, Sarah is passionate about health education and literacy in reproductive health, specifically for adolescents and couples.

Learn more about our
TrueFem Teen program or get in touch with Sarah. 

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Ulrika Drevniok, RN(C) | MScA

FEMM Educator

Ulrika Drevniok is a registered nurse with Certified Practice in the province of British Columbia, Canada. She holds a Master's degree and has worked in the areas of primary care, adolescent health, and mental health. She loves being a nurse and helping women learn more about their bodies from holistic reproductive approach.


She teaches the FEMM method of fertility awareness and incorporates knowledge of other methods in her teaching. Her particular areas of interest include: charting for hormone health, body literacy, and charting for the evaluation of infertility and recurrent miscarriage. Whether you have previously charted or are new to charting, Ulrika would love to help you achieve your health goals. Get in touch with Ulrika!

This information is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For the full Disclaimer, please click here. 

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